Advanced Uninstaller Pro was the only free program that I know of which did this, until they added that inane other program to the installation package which wasn’t freeware & could only be removed by zapping AUP as well. That’s too bad because it was a really.good. and free uninstaller. Advanced Uninstaller PRO remembers these changes so later you can completely uninstall that program, making sure nothing is left behind. This tool can remove any program without a trace. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can also remove a lot of items that other uninstallers don 't even touch. Advanced Uninstaller Pro has been protecting the files of Windows PC users for more than 15 years. This powerful free tool provides a range of options for permanently deleting sensitive files.
Complete removal
Unlike other similar tools, Your Uninstaller! scans whole system for related files and traces and manages to remove them.Uninstall FAST!
Open fast, respond fast, remove fast, simple clicks do complex jobs. Your Uninstaller is lightning fast scanning your system for left-overs.Manage your programs
Group programs, sort by size, change icon, write comments, backup registry or lock programs. Software management made easy.Latest technology
Your Uninstaller! is built using the latest technology: Windows 10, 64bit, memory caching along with modern user interface, which brings excellent user experience.User-friendly program that helps you uninstall applications and get rid of obsolete uninstall entries, monitor changes made to the system when installing new software, and work with a startup manager
Advanced Uninstaller is a simple-to-use application which allows you to completely remove programs from your computer, along with leftover items.
Clean feature lineup
The interface of the program is well-organized. So, you can uninstall applications, directly remove uninstall entries and get rid of obsolete uninstall entries.
But you can also use a search function, select all entries, generate a report and view program details.
Monitor changes made to the system when installing new software
In addition, you can run a tool that will monitor a program's installation and create a log that will be further used when removing it from your computer.
Startup manager, deletion options for browsing data and other handy features
Plus, you can manage Windows services and a list of applications which automatically run at system startup, quickly delete traces from your web browsers (e.g. entire usage history, saved cookies, temporary files, search history), as well as clean invalid items that are placed in the start menu, disable fonts that you never use and access items from the Control Panel.
Furthermore, you can disable Advanced Uninstaller from animating tabs, playing sounds, displaying the splash screen at program startup and scanning the disk and registry for program leftovers when performing uninstall applications, change the interface theme, and more.
Bottom line
Advanced Uninstaller runs on a moderate-to-high amount of system resources, can guide you to a comprehensive online help file with snapshots and displays descriptions for each feature, once you hover the mouse over it. Also, it quickly finishes a scan and clean job. No errors have popped up during our tests and Advanced Uninstaller did not freeze or crash. We highly recommend it to all users.
Filed under
Advanced Uninstaller FREE was reviewed by Elena Opris- Minimum 128 MB RAM
- 80 MB free disk space
Advanced Uninstaller FREE 10.1.1
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- Windows All
- file size:
- 5.8 MB
- filename:
- Advanced_Uninstaller_Free_10.exe
- main category:
- Tweak
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