By Nick Morgan, licensed under CC BY 4.0. Fork me on GitHub. To use the disassembler, click Assemble, then Disassemble.Back to Easy 6502. 6502 CPU Emulation. It's the weekend, so I relax from spending all week programming by writing a hobby project. I wrote the framework of a MOS 6502 CPU emulator yesterday, the registers, stack, memory and all the opcodes are implemented. (Link to source below).
This page has some information on implementing computer languages(beyond ordinary assembly language)on the extremely old and obsolete 6502 chips.I still find it to be an interesting intellectual challenge, even thoughit has no commercial use that I know of.Many programs for the 6502 were written in assembly language, becauseit was difficult to efficiently implement high-level languages on the 6502.People certainly use higher-level languages on 6502s, butI often wondered if there were better ways to handle them.I focus slightly on Apple II-based systems, but not much; for development,a 6502 is a 6502.
There's lots of general information on the 6502;here's a summary of the 6502 instruction set.TheVirtual 6502will let you do some quick playing with their assembly language via a browser.Warning: There's lots of variation in assembler syntax; this one that requireszero page accesses be specially marked with '*'.
Ideally, a language could be self-hosting and interactive(allowing redefinitions on the fly), but also cross-compiling(emphasizing 'best possible performance' and a nicer environment), andwould let you do speed vs. space trade-offs.For self-hosting, a small size has value (so that there's room forother stuff!).
Note: I strongly prefer open source software for development tools,especially in this case since there's no real possibility oflong-term for-pay support,so I'll specifically warn away from problem licenses(or non-licenses) if I know about them.
Right now I find Forth, PLASMA,and Atalan especially interesting in this area,as described below, but there are many other interesting approaches too.
Here is adiscussion on approaches to implementinglanguages on 6502 chips, which discusses severalfundamentally-different approaches to implementing languages on the 6502.The 6502 is not easy to generate good code for, and I think theseapproaches produce better results than the 'obvious' approachesused by most.
Here issome demo code for the first approach,creating overlapping memory locations for use aslocal variables and for parameter passing (to and fro). (GPL).Using overlapping addresses works around the limited memory,inefficient pointer/stack manipulation routines, and8-bit registers of the 6502.
Below are various other options.Forth, Action!, and Slang have especially interesting implementationapproaches (for different reasons)if someone wants to create/improve new implementation approaches.c65cm(formerly65CM)is alsovery interesting, especially for self-hosting; they greatly limit thelanguage, but as a result make it trivial to compile.
Forth is a remarkably useful language if you intend to self-hostuseful and fast programs on an 8-bit system; it's relatively fastin execution, fast to develop in, powerful, and easily fits in tiny spaces(say, 8K for the Forth system and at least 1K of RAM tocreate new definitions).You have to get your head around reverse Polish, and be prepared fordisaster if you don't put the right number of parameters on the data stack.Forth normally doesn't keep track of how many data values its wordsconsume or produce, so programmers have to keep track (!).(If you don't use locals, it's even trickier;Gforth's locals and ANS Forth locals can make it easier to programin Forth, and there's aa short implementation of {...} local variables that makes Forthprogramming easier,but it creates inefficiencies if the compiler doesn't do anyoptimizations.)In my mind, Forth forces humans to switch to a less-common syntax(reverse polish), making the human be the 'parser', and almost noerror-checking; in return, you get a simple, powerful system(Forth's ability to return multiple values from a single functionis more capable than C's).
Starting Forth isthe classic text for learning Forth; in fact, it's just a greatbook that shows how to make complicated topics easy to understand.Thinking Forth is good as well; it's basically the follow-on book.The Evolution of Forth provides an excellent summary of the language and itshistory.
If you want to get an idea of how Forth works, try outForth in Javascript. From the command line you can do stuff like (a ' precedes a line ofcomments):
The original 'fig-FORTH 6502' was released in in September 1980under very generous legal terms, with complete source code and the abilityto modify and release derivatives of it.It took me forever to track down its legal status; back then, many peopledidn't concern themselves about legal statements, which makes thingspainful to deal with in today's lawsuit-happy times.Basically, it merely states that you just have to give them credit.
If you use a fig-Forth derivative, just include the noticein further distribution from its assembly code listing, which states'RELEASE 1.1 WITH COMPILER SECURITYAND VARIABLE LENGTH NAMESASSEMBLY SOURCE LISTING'.The assembly listing states that'This public domain publication is provided through the courtesyof Forth Interest Group, P.O. Box 1105, San Carlos, CA 94070.Further distribution must include this notice.FORTH INTEREST GROUP * * * * * PO. Box 1105 * * * * * San Carlos, Ca. 94070'.In general, FIG released code to the public domain, as you can see by theircovers, and since they are the ones who made the official releases, I thinkit's reasonable to rely on the front covers that say that they are'released to the public domain' or at most merely require acknowledgement,in which case it's legal to use, modify, and re-release derivatives.
Here's theFIG-Forthassembly code as PDF including its legal notice.Here's my local copy of the FIG-ForthPDF page to verify this, in case that goes away.Here's a zipped version of FIG-FORTH for the(generic) 6502, and here's theFIG6502.ASMassembly code for FIG-FORTH for the (generic) 6502 as text viawrodiger's copy of FIG-FORTH for the 6502.Thefig-forth glosssary describesevery word and what it does, and is a gold mine for a simple explanationof how to use it.Here's theset of related PDF files, including the Apple II version(a specialized version of the 6502 version).The fig site only has the source code as PDF,but Dietmar Krueger (dkrueger, at retronym dot de)has managed to recreate the Apple II version as includesMyFigForthApple2.s.txt.
TaliForth2 implementsthe newer ANS Forth standard on a 65C02 (the newer 65C02).TaliForth uses subroutine-threaded code, an implementation approachwhich should be faster but also takes more memory.RobotGamediscusses using TaliForth2.
Why Forth isn't slowdiscusses why Forth is remarkably fast; he determined that Forth hadabout a 29% overhead compared to similar assembly,which is remarkably small (there are BIG caveats with that calculation,but the point is that the overheads are relatively small).A direct threading implementation would probably be better thanfig-Forth's indirect threading, but I digress (see Rodriguez' article for why).ProForthfor the Apple II is derived from fig-Forth.The original fig-Forth for 6502 has a few known bugs; itsUM/MOD has a bug thatGarth Wilsonfound and corrected(here's the basics).ItsUM* also has a bug, see here for a fix and optimizations(see also this 6502 software math page).
It might be easy to switch FIG-FORTH over to a split stackthat stores low-byte/high-byte on the zero page as separate ranges(my approach #2).This would create lots of efficiency improvements:pushing and popping are shorter operations (1 operation instead of two,every time).Also, although this would make it slightly nonstandard for Forth,logical calculations and checks could use a 1-byte value and ignore the'high' byte, speeding/simplifying things further.You could have many other 8-bit operations too, which would speed things up.ANS Forth specifies a minimum of 32 cells of Parameter Stack{64 bytes, easily fitting in zpage} and 24 cells of Return Stack{usually this is the page 1 return stack}(Brad Rodriguez prefers 64 cells of each).(By having the TOS be 2 bytes in zpage, you can still use the TOSeasily as a pointer.)(Sadly, pointer accesses are harder this way.)
Forth Interest Group (FIG) andSilicon Valley FIG has more info.Here's apartial list of Forth implementations.Papers about efficiently implementing Forth include'MOVING FORTH: Part 1: Design Decisions in the Forth Kernel'by Brad Rodriguez(a great paper explaining how to implement Forth),Threaded Code Variations and Optimizations by M. Anton Ertl,Threaded Code,'Evolution of Forth's discussion of future directions,'Threaded interpretive systems and functional programming environments'by Harvey Glass,ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 20, Issue 4 (April 1985), pp. 24-32(ISSN:0362-1340)and of courseWikipedia's article on threaded code.Forth meta compilationis not only interesting - it helps you understand Forth innards.Forth's advantages don't do much for systems with a Gig of RAM, and itsdisadvantages (difficult-to-read, little error-checking, etc.)have made it all but disappear from modern systems,but there's much positive to say about it for the 8-bit world.Stack machine briefly introduces the theory behind stack machines.Updating the Forth Virtual Machine (Pelc) has a discussionof interesting additions to the traditional Forth VMas is often implemented today.
6502 STACKS: More than youthought (Garth Wilson) has a lot of information about handlingstacks on 6502s, including Forth.
Ron's Software Page has interesting things, including has a set of Apple // Forth implementations.
SPL is a Forth-like language that is implemented in plainPython and generates 6502 assembly code.
I should note that there are many versions of Forth. The original fig-Forthis heavily related to the later Forth-79, and manyForths are based on fig-Forth.The later Forth-83 made a lot of big (controversial) changes:'true' changed from 1 to -1, the meaning of NOT changed,it mandated floored division (incompatible with prior usage),and some words like PICK and ROLL became 0-based.Here's guidance onconverting fig-Forth to Forth-83.The laterANS Forthtried to make things less rough.
The big problem with Forth is that it's entirely postfix, which manypeople find hard to read.What can be done about that?Interestingly, several people have developed infix versions of Forth,which might produce the best of all worlds... the readability of moretraditional notations, and the speed + small size of Forth.'An infix syntax for Forth (and its compiler)'by Andrew Haley (Red Hat) (2008)describes a nifty reader;'Infix Forth is not a translator from some other language to Forth, but aninfix form of the language that doesn’t change its semantics.'
Many Forth systems can easily bring in an assembler.William F. Ragdale wrote a Forth assembler for the 6502that takes about 1300 bytes.
I think that a programming language could bedevised that combined the efficiency/simplicity of Forth implementationswith more traditional syntax.
Forth on 6502has more information.
PLASMA(Proto Language ASsembler for Apple) by David Schmenkis 'a combination of virtual machine and assembler/compiler matched closely to the 6502 architecture'.PLASMA source code is available on SourceForge.This was based on the author's experience in developing a Java VMfor Apple //s (!) - he created a new VM, and a language for implementing it.It unambiguously open source software (GPLv2), which is great.It is currently focused on ProDOS, but I expect it would be easy toport to other operating systems (such as Diversi-DOS).
PLASMA is a new language for an old system, but it looks extremely promising.It has a much more traditional syntax, yet it is designed to work wellwithin the very limiting 6502 structure.An interesting aspect is that you can easily state, for each function,one of three implementation techniques:interpreted bytecode ('def', smallest but slowest),threaded calls into the interpreter ('deft', in-between), andnatively compiled code ('defn', fastest but largest).Thus, the programmer can declare for each function if itshould optimize for speed, space, or between, which is promising.Unlike some languages (like Action!) it can handle functionsthat call themselves (limited by stack space, but important for thingslike self-hosted compilers).
It is designed to be self-hosting, which I find especially interesting.
The main high-level PLASMA source language is more capable thanInteger Basic (e.g., it supports real functions and procedures),but it does not have support for many different types and onlybasic support for structures.It does not include built-in floating point support, for example.It looks like a promising language for self-hosted development ofgames and system applications.
The PLASMA source language uses ';' for comments that end at end-of-line.End-of-line ends an expression.Constants can be defined with 'const NAME = VALUE',variables with 'DATATYPE NAME = VALUE' (DATATYPE can be 'word' or 'byte'),and the basic 'if' syntax is if ... then .. fin.Here are some examples, based on snippets from 'pong.pla':
The PLASMA run-time is a stack-based virtual machine(with stack on zpage).Since it's stack-based, it includes operations likeZERO (push zero on the stack),ADD (add top two values, leave result on top),andINCR (increment top of stack).Some instructions look like Forth, e.g.,DUP (duplicate top stack value) andDROP (drop top stack value).Other instructions are clearly designed for a traditional programminglanguage, and not Forth:CALL (subroutine call with stack parameters),ENTER (allocate frame size and copy stack parameters to local frame),LEAVE (deallocate frame and return from subroutine call)andRET (return from sub routine call).Its basic runtime implementation is prettystraightforward.The bytecode uses only even numbers(so the implementation doesn't have to multiplyeach instruction by two to use it as an index).
Here are the PLASMA VM opcodes (TOS=top of stack, with 16-bit values):
- ZERO - push 0 on the stack.
- ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,MOD - compute TOS-1 op TOS, where op is add, subtract,multiply, divide, or modulo, popping both and pushing result.These are 16-bit values.E.G., 'SUB' subtracts TOS from TOS-1.The implementation doesn't really pop and re-push, of course.
- INCR,DECR,NEG,COMP - Increment/decrement/negate/bitwise-complement TOS.
- BAND,IOR,XOR - Compute TOS-1 op TOS, where op isbitwise-and/inclusive-or/exclusive-or
- SHL,SHR - Shift TOS-1 left/right by TOS
- IDXW - Shift TOS left BY 1, then add TO TOS-1, replacing both with result.Presumably this is to compute index addresses given anindex in TOS and base in TOS-1.(The documentation says it shifts TOS-1, but I think that's wrong).
- NOT - Logical not
- LOR,LAND - Logical or/and
- LAA - Replace absolute tag with address
- LLA - Load address of local frame offset
- CB - Load a constant byte (from the instructions to the stack)
- CW - Load a constant word (from instructions to the stack)
- IDXB - Code same as ADD. Presumably to index bytes, whereindex is TOS and address is TOS-1.
- DROP,DUP - Drop/duplicate TOS.
- SWAP - Swap TOS with TOS-1.
- BRLT,BRGT,BREQ,BRNE - Branch on less-than/greater-than/equal/not-equal
- ISEQ,ISNE,ISGT,ISLT,ISGE,ISLE - Compute is-equal, not-equal,greater-than, less-than, greater-equal, less-equal for TOS and TOS-1.Consumes both, and pushes to TOS either 0 (false) or $FFFF (true).
- BRFLS, BRTRU - Branches.
- JUMP,IJMP - Jump, indirect jump.
- CALL,ICAL,ENTER,LEAVE,RET,EXIT - Routines for handling subroutines.
- LB,LW - load byte/word given address TOS
- LLB,LLW - load byte/word value from local frame offset
- LAB,LAW - load byte/word from absolute address
- DLB,DLW - Store byte/word value to local frame offset without popping stack
- SB,SW - Store byte/word value TOS to address TOS-1
- SLB,SLW - Store byte/word value to local frame offset
- SAB,SAW - Store byte/word value to absolute address
- DAB,DAW - Store byte/word value to absolute address without popping stack
At this early stage the 'native' version is pretty inefficient(it appears that the current early implementation doesn't have anintermediate format, leading to lots of inefficiencies).But the bytecode and threaded (subroutine) call approacheslook pretty efficient for what they are;I looked over its basic wordset and it looks like a really good fitfor the 6502.The threaded call approach in particular looks fairly efficient(for that kind of approach).This approach may make larger programs easier, since many programs have a fewroutines that are speed-critical and many others that are not.
The (initial) PLASMA summary pageincludes a link to aPlasma Apple ][ boot image you can just boot and use.I have had no luck getting it to work oncAndy Apple (an Android Apple ][ emulator),but on Android it works just fine with theKEGS KEGS IIgs Emulator by James Sanford.David Schmenk, the creator of PLASMA, reports that it also works onVirtual ][.Once you start the boot disk, you will be dumped into the text editor.In this text editor you can edit text or press ESC to enterspecial commands.A simple way to see the instructions is to press ESC, then typethe line 'r edit.readme' (do not include the quotes, note the space after r,and end the line with RETURN).The text editor actually supports several commands when you press ESC,including 'r FILENAME' (read in FILENAME and throw away the current buffer),'c' (show the disk catalog), and 'x' (compile and execute).For a demo, you can do ESC r SPACE rod.pla RETURN, then x RETURN;that runs a short demo called 'rod.pla' that shows simple color graphics.
There have been many refinements since then.The PLASMA github sitehas a significantly updated version, and adds some very interestingfeatures such as multi-assignment.It is being used as the VM for a newnew adventure game being developed for the Apple II and Commodore 64calledLawless legends.However, one thing missing from the updated version is an IDEthat runs on the Apple II;That is his current work-in-progress.He hopes to eventually write a JIT compiler, using theCPU type to compile optimized machine code from byte code as it loads.
Atalanis a new language for 6502s and other 8-bit systems.It is open source software (released under the MIT license)and is also available via theGoogle code page for Atalan.This compiles straight to 6502 code, and they claim they do a good job.It's got a lot of language features; it looks like a very pleasantlanguage to use.
Their documentation says that,'Procedure local variables and arguments are internally allocated as global variables. Atalan analyzes procedure call chain and if possible, reuses global variable space to several procedures.'That was an approach I wrote about years ago!
Atalan only compiles to machine code; given the limited memory space,that could cause serious challenges for larger programs.It is designed to be cross-compiled; it is not clear if it couldrealistically support self-hosting.
PyMite implements aPython subset for 8-bit systems; I can easily imagine this working fora 6502.
CC65 (6502 C compiler) exists,it's a descendant from Small-C.It's not open source software (it predates general awareness oflicensing issues), unfortunately.It implements a fairly wide range of C, but the code it generates isinefficient.The'Internals doc for CC65'explains how it works (and why it's inefficient).In CC65,'The program stack used by programs compiled with CC65 is located in highmemory. The stack starts there and grows down. Arguments to functions, localdata etc are allocated on this stack, and deallocated when functions exit...the return address goes on the normal 6502stack [page 1], *not* on the parameter stack...the AX register pair [is] the primary register.Just about everything interesting that thelibrary code does is done by somehow getting a value into AX, and then callingsome routine or other...'It then shows a calling sequence for i = baz(i, c);where i and c are global variables;it doesn't show what you to do work with the parameters, butit's nontrivial.
HyperC (for ProDos) is interesting;they added a 'var' prefix for variables like Pascal(though if implemented using pointers, this could be quickly inefficientsince pointer manipulation is painful on 6502s.. but if implementedusing my approach #1 that'd be nice).They also added a '@address' statement, so you could allocate exactlywhere a variable would go.HyperC supports K&R C, not ANSI C, and omits stuff like scanf().
I briefly used Manx's Aztec C; it was awful.It generated bad code, and was a pain to use.
It's definitely costly and is not OSS, but theMicro/C compilers (based on C-Flea(see also here)is a C compiler suite based onC-Flea, a small virtual machine for C.
65CM implementsa 'pretty assembler' language for the 6502 (GPL).It's designed so that the compiling is run on a PC, and the resultingcode is sent to the 6502.65CM handles 2 types of variables (BYTE and WORD), andsupports inline assembler.It's not high-level at all, so be prepared for that.What it calls 'expressions' are actually constant expressions(they can't have any variables), the IF statement must be of the form:where 'VE1' and 'VE2' must be a variable name or a (constant) expression.Similarly, you can make calls using:You can assign a variable a value:But if you want to add something to the variable, that's another statement:
'The COMFY 6502 Compiler' by Henry G. Baker (Nov. 1997)describes the COMFY language (and the paper includes the source code!).It is 'intended to be a replacement for assembly languages when programmingon 'bare' machines', but intentionally has a LISP-based syntax.
'COMFY-65 is a `medium level' language for programmingon the MOS Technology 6502 microcomputer[MOSTech76]. COMFY-65 is `higher level' than assemblylanguage because 1) the language is structured-while-do, if-then-else, and other constructs are used insteadof goto's; and 2) complete subroutine calling conventionsare provided, including formal parameters. Onthe other hand, COMFY-65 is `lower level' than usualcompiler languages because there is no attempt to shieldthe user from the primitive structure of the 6502 and itsshortcomings. Since COMFY-65 ismeant to be a replacementfor assembly language, it attempts to provide for themaximumflexibility; in particular, almost every sequenceof instructions which can be generated by an assemblercan also be generated by COMFY. This flexibility is dueto the fact that COMFY provides all the non-branchingoperations of the 6502 as primitives.'COMFY-65 is implemented in Emacs Lisp; it's not clear how hard it would be tocreate a self-hosting version.Any LISP might be aided by my readable LISP work.Here's a background paper on COMFY.(Henry Baker has manyother interesting papers, too.)There's a git-able version of COMFY-65; unfortunately,it's not open source software (not even slightly!), due toACM licensing nastiness.That's unfortunate.
Andy Hefner (ahefner) wrote a Common Lisp-based 6502 assembler(sort of a macro assembler with Common Lisp syntax).He postedthe source code on github(MIT license).Heblogged about it,and wrote a little demo for an NES; this was thenpicked up by Slashdot.
I should definitely mentionSweet 16, the 'pseudo microprocessor' implemented bySteve Wozniak.(Here's the SWEET-16Wikipedia article).It simulates a simple 16-bit microcomputer (handy when you need to do alot of 16-bit operations) with 16 registers,running about 10 times slower than native codebut taking far less space(each opcode takes 1 byte, and the whole interpreter takes about 300 bytes).Many Apple assemblers include support for Sweet-16.Unfortunately, the rights to use its original implementationaren't entirely clear.Apple, even in its heyday, encouraged it use in programs.Since it was was copyrighted by Apple in 1977, its copyrightshould have expired in 2005.That's because theU.S. copyright act of 1976 didn't take effect until January 1, 1978,and theprevious copyright term in the U.S. was 28 yearsplus another 28 if renewed.I doubt Apple would have renewed its copyright, since this was not amoney-maker by 2005, so it should have gone to the public domain.(This is also true for Applesoft Basic, whichwas released on cassettes in 1977).Unfortunately,a 1992 revision to the copyright laws automatically renewed all copyrightsafter 1963.I find this absurd; how are innovators supposed to innovate ifessentially everything created is walled-off?
The 'skimp' page also includes alist of several 8-bit LISP implementations,including several for the 6502.This discussion lists more.One useful implementation discussion (of many!) isR. Kent Dybvig's 'Three Implementation Models for Scheme'.University of North Carolina Computer Science Technical Report 87-011[Ph.D. Dissertation], April 1987.
neslispis a small subset of Lisp that generates 6502 code (NES); theas of version 0.1 it is released under the GPLv2 license(and thus is open source software).An older version is available vianeslisp on Google code.
Picobit (GPLv3)looks interesting.You program in Lisp (specifically a variant of Scheme)on a larger system; it then compiles to a VM that runs on the target.Currently it does not support the 6502, but the systemis designed to be portable and it looks to me that it'd berelatively easy to port to a 6502.
Lysp (MIT license)is another small implementation of Lisp. It doesn't directly support 6502and is in C, but it's it might not be hard to transliterate.A related program from the same developer isMaru, which can self-host.This could be a reasonable starting point for creating a 6502 Lisp.
Turning the Apple //e into a lisp machine, part 1refers to thisLisp interpreterfor the Apple //e (MIT license).They also show a clever bootstrap approach: they send code via theaudio jack (!).
There's more that can be done; Lisp was originally developed in 1965,on even smaller systems.The book 'Lisp in Small Pieces',Program Transformation in Lisp,this Scheme page andthese details onimplementation are all of interest.R. Kent Dybvig's 'Three Implementation Models for Scheme' shows howto implement Scheme while still keeping most stuff on the stack.Tagging could be difficult, but an alternative (that I believe wasdone for early Lisp implementations) is to partition the memory intoregions; to determine the tag, just check which memory region it is in.It might be possible to start withPicoLisp to create a 6502 version.There is a trivialACL2 implementation of Lisp (GPL) that I converted into Common Lisp(compiler, run-time;See Wolfgang Goerigk's 'Compiler Verification Revisited' for more).
I know that there was an 'InterLISP 65' available for Atari's 6502-based line.
Various full LOGO implementations were available as well.
Of course, many people used BASIC and Pascal (esp. UCSD Pascal).That's well-documented elsewhere.
UCSD Pascalis now available for non-commercial use, including its source code.(It is not open source software, as misleadingly stated.)UCSD had its own P-code system, which let a lot of code fit in little space.It wasn't fast, and the only 'fast' escape was to write assembly.UCSD Pascal also required you to use its operating system, which wasa problem for self-hosting systems that needed to interact with therest of the world.UCSD Pascal was very useful, and many programs (including the firstWizardry!) were written in it.The fundamental problem with UCSD Pascal is that its opcodes weren'tdesigned to be easily-supported by the 6502; instead, its goal wascross-system portability.As a result, any 6502 implementation of them was going to have trouble,in part because all stack-based operations on the 6502 were slow.This discussion about p-code and Sweet-16 notes this difference -Sweet-16 was designed to be easily-implemented by the 6502, and thuswas a nicer fit to the 6502.
Turbo Rascal is a Pascal forCommodore 64 and a few other systems.Free, appears to be proprietary (I didn't see any reference to source code).
In theory it wouldn't be hard to at least create a better version of BASIC(e.g., add stuff from True Basic like real subroutines)to run on these things.
Believe it or not, you can run Java on an Apple // (and other 6502 systems).VM02 implements a(limited) Java Virtual Machine on Apple // (6502) systems.(This is the same person who wrote PLASMA).Java is not designed for these kinds of systems;the implementation can do some things, and it's cool that it works at all, butit's probably not the best choice for many tasks.It's pretty cool though.
PROMAL (PROgrammer's Micro Application Language) is 'an unusual andobscure language by Systems Management Associates, also released for the8-bit Apple machines and the early PC. Its features include mandatoryindentation (like Python), pointer arithmetic (like C), and recursion,and it has a good assembly language interface. There is also a shellwith support for command recall and scripting.'There is aPROMAL Wikipedia page,and much more detail (and this quote) are available at theLyon LabsPROMAL information page.Unfortunately, I do not see any evidence that they have released copyrightor changed licenses, so as far as I can tell it is a legal minefield.(Copyright essentially lasts forever in the US, even though that isunconstitutional, and I always worry when the legal rights are unclear.)If anyone can find evidence that there is no legal issue, I wouldlove to see it.
Slang is aninteresting 6502 language, currently for the Commodore 64.It is more like a 'clean Basic' than anything else -full expression handling, structured 'if' and loop constructs, and so on.It handles subroutines by separating the call from the argument-passing,which is a little unfortunate but understandable.Its approach to handling local variables is very straightforward;since they go in and out of scope, that is used to assign specificlocations (a simple and clever approach).It's a big compiler, so probably can't often have the compiler and therunning program resident simultaneously.Overall, this is a nice approach, way better than the typicalBasics that came with 6502s (both in language cleanliness and inspeed of result).Unfortunately, I can't find any licensing info.
Action! was a popular self-hosting programming languagefor Atari 6502-based systems.It was reasonably readable (its syntax similar to ALGOL 68).Wikipedia notes that'Action! is significant for its high performance, which allows gamesand graphics demos to be written in a high-level language without useof hand-written assembly language code. Action! language constructs weredesigned to map cleanly to 6502 hardware.'Local variables are assigned fixed addresses in memory, instead ofbeing allocated on the stack. This enables tight code to be generatedfor the 6502, but precludes the use of recursion.'{Note: Action could have added a 'recurse' keyword, as I notedmy text about implementation, which would havethen supported recursion but only where it was needed, so that onlyfunctions that could eventually produce a call to themselves wouldhave to pay the price.Effectusis a cross-compiler on Windows that targets Atari 8-bit,and is intentionally similar to Action!, but I don't see any source codeavailable at all (it certainly doesn't appear to be open source software).
Note: Both Slang and Action! do not support recursive functions.In both cases, a few small extensions to support recursive functions(e.g., a 'recurse' statement to mark them, so that calls must save theold arguments and local variables) would make them efficient yeteasy to use, and permit self-hosting.(Even if a function is recursive, noting simple self tail-recursionwould be easy, and would be worthwhile since saving variables isexpensive.)
The Amsterdam Compiler Kitis a 'cross-platform compiler and toolchain suite that issmall, portable, extremely fast, and extremely flexible. It targets anumber of low-end machines [and] supports several languages,including ANSI C, Pascal and Modula-2'.It has (or at least had) support for the 6502.It dates back to the early 1980s,and was originally developed byAndrew Tanenbaum and Ceriel Jacobs as a commercial product and used asMinix' native toolchain.'After eventually failing as a commercial project, it was made opensource under a BSD license in 2003 when it looked like it was going tobe abandoned and the code lost...The ACK contains compilers for ANSI C, K&R C, Pascal, Modula-2,Occam 1, and a primitive Basic.'Its intermediate language 'EM' is a stack-based language;here is thetechnical description of EM. lists lots of assemblers,xa looks promising,and it supports common syntax.Ophis isa 6502 assembler written in Python in 2006-2007; itlooks nice, though its syntax is a little different).Easy 6502helps you interactively learn 6502 assembly.
If you want to go elsewhere to see related pages, feel free to look atother locations such (general site on the 6502).You can also find reference material on the web, such as the6502 opcodes.Bob Sander-Cederlof's newsletter Apple Assembly Linewas filled with useful information.Here's a list of6502 bugs (important if you're doing assembly!).
The Apple II Programmer's Catalog of Languages and Toolkitshas a long list of development tools.Apple8 languages has lots of downloads for Apple II developmentlanguages.Here's another list of 6502 development tools.
6502 Emulator Tutorial
It's not directly 6502 assembly, butHigh-Level Assembler (HLA) for 80x86 is interesting, and might have someuseful lessons.The HLA manual explains the rationale for a 'high level' assembly language.
You'll need to transfer files to and fro; this is tricky with Apple IIsbecause they have an unusual disk format;ADTProand its cousin ADT can help; it lets you send/receive disk imagesvia serial lines, Ethernet, or even audio (!).DOS33fsby Vince Weaveris a nice, simple utility for Unix/Linuxthat lets you read/write DOS 3.3 disk images.Apple 2 stuff has links to moredisk image manipulators and an Integer Basic compiler.Syndicomm has Apple // boot disks available.NuLib can handlevarious 'shrunk' formats.Apple ][ emulator resources guide lists many emulators.Apple ][ FAQs is what it says.
Here's a Javascript-only Apple ][+ emulator, you can emulate one just with a browser!
It'd be neat if someone wrote/released an Apple ][ ROM asopen source software.I've talked with Woz, who's told me there's no chance of that from Apple.
Steve Nickolas has developed a simple Apple ][ ROMand released it under a permissive FLOSS license, specificallyUniversity of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.He calls this the 'gameware' ROM.You candownload it from him;I have a cached copy.He says that 'while crude, I did implement sucha thing a few years ago...This only implements part of the monitor, requires a 'C02, is buggy ashell, and doesn't include BASIC, but it's a start.'
I've sent an email to VTech, and VTech's Corporate Communications Departmentsent me an email on 2012-06-15saying that 'We have no problem to release the codebut it will take some time for us to find it out,as it is a very old product. We will keep you posted on any update.'That is a very exciting development, I hope it works out!!The Apple ][, and VTech's competing implementation of it, is animportant part of history. I think this is a great way to prevent theloss of this history, as well as making it possible to havehave completely legal emulations of it.
It might be possible to get aclone maker to release ROMs, such asVideo Technologies (VTech)'s ROM for the Laser 128,or Franklin's later ROM.
AAL-8603notes the special values required for a ROM for ProDOS 1.1.1 to boot.'There are two problems with getting ProDOS to boot on a non-standard machine. The first is the ROM Checksummer. This subroutine starts at $267C in Version 1.1.1, and is only called from $25EE. The code is purposely weird, designed to look like it is NOT checking the ROMs...The wizards who put ProDOS together figured out a fancy function which changes the 64 bits from $FB09 through $FB10 into the value $75. Their function does this whether your ROMs are the original monitor ROM from 1977-78, the Autostart ROM, the original //e ROM, or any other standard Apple ROM...The original Apple II ROM has executable code at $FB09, and in hex it is this: B0 A2 20 4A FF 38 B0 9E. All other Apple monitor ROMs have an ASCII string at $FB09. The string is either 'APPLE ][' or 'Apple ]['. Notice that the 'AND #$DF' in the checksummer strips out the upper/lower case bit, making both ASCII strings the same.'
There's a6502 emulator in Minecraft that runs Forth,which isfurther discussed here.
25c3: The Ultimate Commodore 64 Talk discusses the Commodore 64 in detail, and includes a discussion on the 6502 (really 651) machine code.
Mos 6502 Emulator
Monster 6502 is rebuilding a6502 but much larger, so you can see it working (amazing!).It does not use any logic gate chips.I would call it a 'discrete transistor' implementation,though whether or not it really meets that description depends on yourpickiness.The 6502 original design requires 'transmission gate' transistors,and individually packaged 4-terminal MOSFETs to do this aren'tcommercially available any more.
On a related note:open-roms is workingto create open ROMs, at first for the C64.Good luck!!
This page wasfeatured onYCombinator's hacker news - welcome!!There were a number of interesting related comments there.
I've provided this information to world in memory of Bob Pew,an old friend who died in 1994.Bob, you're missed.
6502 Emulator Online
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